Back pain is one of the most common and debilitating conditions in the world. It affects people of all ages, races, genders, and walks of life. The good news is that there are many different kinds of treatment options available to help you relieve your back pain. One option that might be right for you is online therapy with a professional coach who specializes in helping people cope with chronic back pain. This article will explore how online therapy with Orbit works and why it’s a convenient way to get help from an expert—all without leaving home!

How common is back pain?

Back pain is a common condition that affects about 80 percent of adults at some point in their lives. It can be caused by muscle tension, poor posture, or injury—and it can be treated with exercise, massage, and other therapies.

What are some of the benefits of virtual therapy for back pain?

  • Flexible scheduling: Some people may not be able to arrange their schedule around a typical therapy appointment. Online therapy allows you to work around your busy life and still get the care that you need.
  • No travel time: Have you ever called into your therapist’s office only to be told they aren’t in? Or maybe they’re running behind schedule because they had an emergency session before yours, so now it will be another 20 minutes until they can see you? Teletherapy eliminates this issue by allowing you to book appointments around your schedule rather than having them fit into therapists’ hours of operation.
  • Can be done from home: Many people with back pain find themselves housebound due to their condition or limitations from surgery or medication side effects, which prevents them from visiting physical therapy offices and other facilities where traditional therapies are offered in person. Virtual therapy from Orbit allows you to get help right at home.

Virtual coaching is a convenient, proven way to get help from a professional.

Online therapy offers many benefits over traditional treatment methods:

  • It’s more cost-effective than other treatments. You’ll be able to receive the same kind of care as you would in-person at much lower cost.
  • You can do it from anywhere—no need to go out of your home or office for treatment!
  • It’s easy and flexible; you can work on your health goals whenever fits into your schedule and lifestyle best (even if it’s late at night).
  • You don’t have to talk about personal issues with anyone other than your therapist or counselor, which means no judgment from friends or family members that may happen at group sessions in traditional settings!

How do I know if teletherapy is right for me?

  • Do you have a good internet connection, and a computer to work with?
  • Would it be more convenient for you to do therapy from home?
  • Do you need someone physically present during sessions? If yes, then teletherapy might not be right for you 100% of the time,  but may still be an important part of your therapy part of the time.

If you have any questions about virtual therapy for back pain, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us today to find out more about how we can help.

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