
When I was in high school, I had a recurring lower back injury. My doctor prescribed a few months of physical therapy and exercises, and it helped me a lot. Since then, I’ve always been interested in whether massage therapists could prescribe exercise plans for their clients. Is it safe to follow these recommendations? Can you get the same benefits from an exercise plan that’s prescribed by someone else? Massage therapists are trained to work with the body’s systems and identify when there needs to be change—so do they have what it takes to also recommend a fitness routine that will help keep you fit?

Can you get professional medical advice from a massage therapist?

Massage therapists do receive professional training in anatomy and physiology (more on this later) which may help them identify problem areas and suggest exercises or stretches that could help ease tension caused by those issues.

What is exercise therapy?

Exercise therapy is a form of exercise that’s prescribed to treat a medical condition. An exercise therapist will prescribe this type of exercise to help with conditions such as depression and anxiety, improve weight loss, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and reduce pain (to name just a few).

How do I know if exercise therapy can help me?

As you can see, there are a lot of advantages to massage therapy. But how do you know if it will be right for you?

Your massage therapist is the best person to answer this question. It’s important that he or she understands your condition, and can recommend a treatment plan based on what they find in their assessment. The therapist should be able to explain what exercise therapy entails, how it works (and why), and how much benefit you can expect from it.

Should I always follow my massage therapist’s exercise therapy recommendations?

That’s a great question. A good exercise plan designed by your massage therapist will help you:

  • Stay motivated and on track. A good plan for you means making the most of your time and resources, so it needs to be something you can stick to on a regular basis. Your massage therapist can help develop an exercise routine that fits seamlessly into your daily life, so there are no barriers to get in the way of working out—which is key when it comes to making progress!
  • Get results quickly. Massage therapy isn’t just about relaxing muscles; it also increases blood flow throughout the body (helping with recovery after workouts), boosts immunity (making workouts easier) and increases flexibility (which helps prevent injury). The best part? All these benefits will happen whether or not you’re actually doing any exercises at all! So if all else fails, give yourself a little mental break by treating yourself now and again instead of feeling guilty about not exercising enough lately.

Which type of exercise is right for me?

When you’re looking for ways to exercise, you can choose from many different types of exercises. Some of the most common forms include strength training, cardiovascular exercise, flexibility training, and balance/coordination exercises. You can also combine different kinds of activity into your routine if that’s what works best for your body and lifestyle.

When choosing an exercise program:

  • It should be something that fits well into your life. If it’s going to be too hard or require too much time or effort to fit in with your schedule and daily needs, it won’t work!
  • Make sure it feels good on your body as well as being enjoyable! If an exercise isn’t fun for you then chances are good that when things get tough (and they will get tough) you’ll lose motivation fast!

Massage therapists can prescribe exercise plans to support their clients’ health.

An established massage therapist can help you find the right type of exercise for your needs, and they can also help you stick to your exercise plan.

Massage therapists are trained to assess movement patterns, posture and biomechanical health. They can use this knowledge to develop a personalized exercise plan that takes into account specific areas of the body that may be contributing to pain or discomfort in your everyday life.

They can also help overcome obstacles, such as lack of time or motivation, by working with clients in person or via phone calls – an excellent option if travel is an issue.


There’s a lot of misinformation out there about massage therapy, so it’s important to educate yourself before seeking treatment. If you have questions or concerns, please consult your doctor or another medical professional. And if you are ready to seek treatment for an injury or chronic pain, consider talking with your local massage therapist!

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